CRONOPIOS is a video installation that plays the record of a day in the square of Pinheiros (Sao Paulo neighborhood), from dawn to dusk with a reception and projection system specially developed for this purpose.

The video that composes the setup was performed with a set of three cameras LOMO OKTOGRAPHIC of eight lenses. This type of camera, enables portray a scene during 2,5 seconds from different points of view. As the lenses are at different positions, the object moves beyond the conventional record of time.

The Pinheiros square is a connection knot of the peripheral areas with the central areas of Sao Paulo. Municipal and intercity bus terminals lead many people to circulate in this core and generate a diverse popular, legalized and informal commerce. The flow of workers from different regions and backgrounds forms an intense cultural consequence of space. Cars and trucks jostle with buses modest and saturated streets. In this context, the spatial stream modi cation process is already visible. The transitory structures present in this type of urban revitalization intervention generate a temporary flow when modifying the landscape. It is from the contrast between the old and the provisional that the video in born.

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Copyright ® 2020 - Letícia Ramos