Using a 35mm cinematographic pinhole camera with 24 perforations - constructed by
the artist - the project ERBF captures unusual panoramic images of the city of SãoPaulo,
having as main target the cell phone towers. This investigation resulted in 5 films of
1-minute that portrait the “tower cities”.
Acervo Associação Cultural Videobrasil - São Paulo, Brazil
“Test Exposure”, 16th Media Art Biennale WRO - Poland, 2015
“Art and Science - Our place between Extremes”, Instituto Tomie Ohtake - Brazil, 2015
“The Invetion of the Wheel”, Museum of Labour - Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2013
III Mostra Programa de Exposicões Centro Cultural - São Paulo, Brazil, 2009
Acervo Associação Cultural Videobrasil - São Paulo, Brazil
“Test Exposure”, 16th Media Art Biennale WRO - Poland, 2015
“Art and Science - Our place between Extremes”, Instituto Tomie Ohtake - Brazil, 2015
“The Invetion of the Wheel”, Museum of Labour - Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2013
III Mostra Programa de Exposicões Centro Cultural - São Paulo, Brazil, 2009