microfilm transfered to HD , 4’, 5.1 sound
Around 1827, Hercule Florence described in his logbook “Viagem Fluvial do Tietê ao Amazonas“, a region of abrupt rock formations nearby São Geronimo Mountain. During a hard trip up and down waterfalls, Hercule took a moment to observe and draw the amazing landscape. Probably, the most magical moment in his journey.
The film “THE BLUE NIGHT“ reconstructs the stellar,
cloud movement and shadows behind the emblematic
Chapada Diamantina stones. Influenced by the “tableaux
transparent“ and the “stereopinture“, the film talks about an
imaginary lost night in time and space. The film, shot with
a stop motion technique, was made using all the current
microfilm process that is still in use in Brazil to copy and
preserve legal documents. The set was composed with
many layers and small models by a regular microfilm camera
table. The sound designed mixed night birdsongs and an
assembled sound space of this magical region.
The original sound track was recorded in a live studio
performance with an electronic musical instrument, the
Theremin, and an analogical synthesizer orchestra.